
Meet the Maker
…But I did, and I looked back and tried to find what I was passionate about, what gave me the drive and motivation to get up and do things every day that would fulfill that drive within myself. The answer was always being creative and having the freedom to express myself. So how could I take what I was trained in, what I practiced for years and make it into something that I could share with the world? These are the questions that I was asking myself. It led me to here, writing this journal entry on a site I built, and launching a brand that I am SO proud of….

The beginning
Being born and raised in the Rust Belt has been the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I think of it as a special place: four seasons, beautiful landscapes, and a mix of cities that are on the rise and those that are thriving. After going to school and being formally trained in landscape architecture, I was able to learn and grow to understand this place on a deeper level. The Rust Belt offers more the longer you stay here. You begin to see it and understand it. It takes a certain type of person to appreciate its beauty. Above all, it takes time to really begin to see the beauty that this place has to offer. Those who live here or those who appreciate and understand the Rust Belt find beauty in the rusty, in the broken down, and in the dirty. We can see what was once there and how incredible it once was. We can also see what it can do for us in the future. The rust belt forces you to stop, look, and think. It is not all on the cover, you have to dig in, really read it, and find the beauty that lies within all of its pages.